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For me, working at CenterCal is more than just a job. It’s passion, dedication, creativeness, but above all, it’s family. All of these traits are embedded in each of the associates I have the privilege of working with each day. With nearly 20 years’ experience in the industry, CenterCal does it right. They truly care for their associates, value their ideas and recommendations, and implement their feedback in creating industry leading projects.

I am fortunate to live in a community where one of CenterCal’s premier shopping centers is located, and I get to experience firsthand the positive impact our projects create for our communities."

Chris Garrido, General Manager


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CenterCal prides itself on building a strong team by hiring multicultural talent and military veterans who are the best in the business. We work together to achieve overall success, sacrificing our personal agendas when necessary so that both CenterCal and its clients can achieve goals.

We have passion for the work and strive for continuous improvement. We value enthusiasm for equality and innovation in exceeding our customers' expectations.


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“CCP is growing, and it gives you the opportunity to grow with it. It has brought a new set of challenges, ones that might not be found at other corporations. Here you are pushed to be more than average, because our product is very much more than average. At CCP you are part of a team that stands with each other.  It truly is a wonderful experience to work here.”

Karl Hunter, Sr. Tenant Coordinator

Hired 2015

“My work-life balance has improved so much after joining CenterCal because leaders and executives look out for its people, where communication is open and constant, time are valued, and responsibilities are defined and well distributed. Not only does the company offer competitive compensation, great benefits, and opportunity advancement, we also enjoy several perks like being in a 24hr café like environment, where unlimited espresso, variety of drinks and snacks are available, not to mention as icing on the top, awesome co-workers who regard each other as family, having each other's back. Definitely a company that feels so much like a home.”


Hired 2016

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